Grinders Sauball Sandwich is a Submarine Dream

This Shoreline-made beauty packs over a pound of comfort.

By Rebekah Denn September 21, 2012


This article originally appeared in the October 2012 issue of Seattle magazine.


We love Seattle, but the East Coast has its advantages, such as hearty grinder sandwiches, long as a baseball mitt and wider than the average mouth. What’s that? You can get them here? Owner Mitch Gilbert doesn’t even make you choose between favorite fillings, offering his GRINDERS HOT SANDS’ SAUBALL GRINDER, stuffed with both hefty meatballs (his Italian mom is right there in the kitchen) and a sturdy sausage, blanketed with melted mozzarella and embraced in a roll that’s crisp enough to crunch but soft enough to absorb the extra tomato sauce. It weighs in at 1.5 pounds of sheer comfort.

Grinders Hot Sands, Shoreline, 19811 Aurora Ave. N; 206.542.0627; $


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