Love & Wisdom

2007 Spotlight Award Winners

Our picks for theater and arts top five arts talents of the year.

By Jasmine Moir July 21, 2011



When it comes to big local art news, we all know it’s been Seattle Art Museum’s year. This past January the Olympic Sculpture Park opened, ushering in a brave new era of public art in Seattle. May marked the spring of SAM, so to speak, with the unveiling of the museum’s thoughtful downtown expansion.

While this veritable tsunami of SAM has been grat for the city (bringing national attention to Seattle’s thriving arts community), it’s been easy to overlook other important stories about the arts that have surfaced throughout the year. Which is why, for this year’s theater and arts preview, we’ve picked the five artists and/or art groups that have made the biggest impact on Seattle’s cultural climate in 2007 as our first annual Spotlight Award winners.

Yes, SAM is on the list, but also included are breakout talents such as Seattle Symphony’s 23-year-old principal cellist Joshua Roman and visual artist prankster Greg Lundgre. In addition to these winners, we’ve included a profile on our burgeoning lowbrow art scene, as well as our exhaustive calendar of upcoming cultural events. So dig in – as always in Seattle, there’s more than enough art to go around. 

2007 Spotlight Award: Seattle Art Museum
2007 Spotlight Award: KT Niehoff

2007 Spotlight Award: Marya Sea Kaminski

2007 Spotlight Award: Joshua Roman

2007 Spotlight Award: Greg Lundgren

Photos by John Keatley



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