The Monarch’s Tales: The Luly Yang Couture Ball Gown Guessing Game

By Seattle Mag April 5, 2012



You know that ye ol’ contest where you have to guess how many marbles are in the jar? It is always surprisingly difficult (I once guessed 490 for a jar of 200,000 marbles, but math is not my strong suit) and the results can be somewhat astounding. Well, welcome to our fashion version! The question: How many hours will go into creating one couture ball gown for Luly Yang’s upcoming April 27th “A Monarch’s Tale” couture show?

The subject: A gorgeous custom-dyed gown with hand-beaded canary sequins (see it in process below).


Is it 10 hours? Nope. 200? Try again. Got your guess locked in? Remember, each sequin is sewn on individually.


From conception to construction, to fitting to final product, this gown will represent over 800 hours of work.

(And now I feel like a slacker.)


With just 22 days left until the show, Luly and her team has dreamed up very piece, designs are finalized and patterns made; now, each garment looks like this one, getting its one of a kind detailing and finish work before its time to fit the models for the show.


Want to see the final product? Join this gown and hundreds of others at Luly’s couture show on April 27th. Tickets are available here.





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