
Instagram Inspiration: Pacific Northwest Parks

Get outside and enjoy these Seattle parks despite the damp winter weather

By Kate Hofberg January 13, 2016



In the cold, winter months it’s easy to wrap up in a blanket and spend the whole weekend hibernating on the couch with bottomless cups of coffee and no plans but to binge-watch shows on Netflix. Add some rain and the temptation to lie around in pajamas all day is seriously real.

When we’re cozy on the couch, we forget how lucky we are to live in this incredibly scenic city filled with city parks with killer views. All it takes is a little inspiration from our friends on Instagram to remember that even if it is a little bit chilly, a stroll through one of Seattle’s many beautiful parks for some fresh air and stunning scenery can be a lot more fulfilling than hiding indoors all day.

We hope that these Instagram adventurers inspire you to get out of the house and soak up the view. 

1. Ginger Saunders
Instagram: @justmeginger

2. Carly Sutton
Instagram: @carly_sutton

3. Kevin Jones
Instagram: @instakev503

4. Monica Scott
Instagram: @kindestwarrior

5. Joan Born
Instagram: @thejoanborn


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