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West Seattle Artist and Seattle Mag Fave, Christopher Boffoli, Featured in New York Magazine

By Seattle Mag June 5, 2013


I am loving this! Chris Boffoli, the West Seattle-based food writer and James Beard Award-nominated photographer whom I first worked with when he authored an in-depth profile on chef Scott Carsberg for Seattle magazine back in 2010, is making it big in the Big Apple: His second solo photography show for his Big Appetites series (so charming, clever and original that we fell in love over a year ago), opens in Chelsea tomorrow, and he’s just been interviewed about his art by New York Magazine’s Grub Street blog.

Asked how he comes up with his ideas, Boffoli explains that sometimes there’s a master plan, and sometimes its serendipitous. Of the image above, he says, “I found this citrus rinding tool in the back of a drawer that I had forgotten about, and I started making a rind. I knew I had a figure with a lawn mower, and I pulled it out, set it up, and shot it in fifteen minutes. It’s now one of the most popular images in the series. Even though I’ve done this for a decade, I really don’t know what makes a good picture. I just do what pleases me, and sometimes the world connects with it.”

His work will be hanging at Chelsea’s Winston Wachter Gallery (it’s Boffoli’s second solo show in NYC in as many years).

And his firt book is coming out in September, and (no small potatoes) his art is on the front and back covers of this month’s Lucky Peach magazine. Bravo, Boffoli! We’ll say we knew you when…



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