探索西雅图多元化个性街区 Most Interesting Seattle Neighborhoods to Explore


By Jen Swanson May 28, 2018


This article originally appeared in the Seattle Mandarin Guide 2018 西雅图中文生活方式指南 issue of Seattle magazine.



Pioneer Square(拓荒者广场)
这里是西雅图的发源地,有着丰富的传统建筑和当地历史。尽管多年来许多餐馆和店铺一度外流,北迁到Belltown城区,许多业主正致力于让这个充满历史的地区重振往日辉煌。与此同时,此区的许多百年老建筑逐一整修翻新,以新的公寓、艺廊或商铺面世,特别是在此广场城区中心的Occidental Park公园附近。
不可错过:西雅图首座摩天大楼——Smith Tower(史密斯塔)顶层别致的中国之屋(据说里面的”许愿椅”是慈禧太后1908年送给大楼主人L.C. Smith的礼物)
房价中位数:$681,900; 家庭年收入中位数:$82,597

Queen Anne(安妮皇后区)
Queen Anne以维多利亚时代的建筑风格命名,大体由一座山丘连接起来的两个街区。地势较低的Lower Queen Anne有时髦的餐厅、酒吧和高层公寓,更有520英尺高,内设观景台和空中餐厅的太空针塔、 Seattle Center、Museum of Pop、及充满活力的剧院和活动场所。地势较高的Upper Queen Anne则是完全不同的景观;这里有许多豪华民宅、美丽的观景台,以及富有小城风光的住宅区。当地人开玩笑说,单身人士先住在 Lower Queen Anne,结了婚就高迁到Upper Queen Anne去住!
不可错过:Chihuly Garden and Glass(奇胡利花园和玻璃艺术馆馆),这是由本地的一位最具创意的艺师大匠创造的奇幻大观园;Kerry Park公园,想拍摄西雅图标志性明信片照片吗?就来这里!

位于安妮皇后区的Kerry Park是拍摄西雅图市中心景色的最佳地点(天气好时远处的雷尼尔雪山清晰可见),也是许多经典明信片的取景点

西雅图的购物和商业中心是一个迷人的综合体,以Pike Place Market(派克市场)为圆点,周围聚集了零售商店、高耸的楼宇、深藏四处的小公园和雄伟的政府大楼。派克市场于1907年开业,是美国持续经营最长久的农贸市场之一;它见证了新的餐厅、露天摊位和俯瞰Elliott Bay海湾的观景台的逐一诞生。一段长长的楼梯走道通向轮渡码头、游船、纪念品商店,以及多家餐馆林立的海滨,景色迷人,适合在此漫步。滨海沿线正在进行的整修工程将重建海堤,结合新的公园、自行车道、人行道,以进一步连接该地区与去年夏天新开放的派克市场扩建区和市中心其它地点。

Belltown坐落在市中心的西北边缘,派克市场、第五大道和太空针塔之间,长期以来一直是西雅图最受欢迎的城区之一。近几年来,豪华公寓的数量不断增加,此地的华丽设施和绝佳地段吸引人们到此定居,它距西雅图最好的美食、音乐、酒吧、电影院、画廊和购物中心仅几步之遥。虽然大多的热闹所在都集中在第一大道上 (1st Ave),但是第四大道(4th Ave)拥有The Palace Kitchen和Lola’s,这两家餐厅掩映在西雅图单轨火车高架桥下,都是西雅图名厨Tom Douglas的特色餐馆。
不可错过:Olympic Sculpture Park (奥林匹克雕塑公园),占地9英亩的露天雕刻艺术园区(以及市中心唯一的”沙滩”),园区包括Belltown的北部海岸区

South Lake Union(南联合湖)
近年来,忙碌的起重机重塑了西雅图的天际线,South Lake Union就是这次重塑行动的中心。不久前,这个昔日的伐木区还出奇的安静,但那是在网络零售商亚马逊搬到这里之前的事儿了。这个一度被忽视的街区已被塑为纵向发展的城市丛林,到处都是闪亮的写字楼、高档公寓,以及新的酒吧和餐厅。高科技人士下班回家后,人迹就稀少了,但是这里仍然有许多湖畔(和船上!)餐饮供大家选择,包括Daniel’s Broiler、Duke’s以及Mbar屋顶酒吧。置身这些餐馆里,您可以俯瞰水上飞机在联合湖 (Lake Union)上穿梭。
不可错过:Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI)(历史工业博物馆)通过一系列多媒体和现场展览,讲述独特的西雅图历史故事;隔壁就是新装修的the Center for Wooden Boats(木船中心)

位于Ballard街区的 Golden Garden海滩是晒太阳、望夕阳、野餐和发呆的好去处

Ballard拥有漫长的海滩、航海历史、热闹的酒吧、餐馆和现场音乐厅,因此深受喜爱。这个不断扩展的城区早期是西雅图斯堪的纳维亚拓荒移民的家园,尽管大部分斯堪的纳维亚痕迹已经被新的公寓、联排别墅和产权公寓消磨殆尽,近年来却吸引了更年轻的人群。但是这个地区优秀的学区和强烈的社区意识仍然吸引着很多家庭,尤其是在Blue Ridge附近,这是一个尽览奥林匹克半岛和普吉特湾美景的住宅区。
不可错过:Golden Gardens Park (金色花园)、Hiram M. Chittenden Locks (巴拉徳船闸)、周日农贸市场 (Sunday farmer’s market) 和新建的Nordic Museum(北欧博物馆)
房价中位数: $659,700;家庭年收入中位数: $88,479

Greenwood/Phinney Ridge (格林伍德/菲尼脊)
依偎在Ballard和Greenlake(绿湖)之间,这一对毗邻的北部城区通常统称为PhinneyWood。 令人遗憾的是不断上涨的租金迫使一些商家关闭停业,但目前这里的高层公寓和房屋仍比附近的Ballard更容易承受。无论如何,这个爱幼城区保持着强烈的敦睦意识,咖啡馆、瑜伽工作室、书店和学校构成了色彩斑斓的社区拼图,深受单身人士和家庭的青睐。
不可错过:神奇的Woodland Park Zoo(林地公园动物园)

Capitol Hill (国会山)
位于市中心东面的Capitol Hill是西雅图LGBTQ各种性向的少数群体落足的大本营,也是西雅图最好的音乐、餐馆和酒吧齐集之处 。城区山脚遍布着出租公寓和产权公寓, 百万豪宅散布在此城区的各个住宅区。这个多元化的城区不但有魅力十足的夜生活;爱书者可以在Elliott Bay书店聚首 (这是西雅图自1973以来最受欢迎的一家书店),人们也可以到占地48.3英亩的志愿者公园 (Volunteer Park) 享受天空的清澈,这里也是西雅图亚洲艺术博物馆 (Seattle Asian Art Museum) 所在地。

West Seattle(西西雅图)
连一些当地人也不知道的小秘密:西雅图的创始人Arthur Denny最初是在West Seattle登陆的,后来才搬到拓荒者广场去的。今天,此地的阿尔基海滩 (Alki Beach) 仍然是这座城市首要的休闲目的地,海滩边的百万豪宅和产权公寓俯瞰着西部海岸线长长的、宽阔的自行车道和行人步道。Alaska和Admiral Junctions两条马路交接口则是千禧一代的聚集地,那里的高层出租及产权公寓也相应吸引了新商店、酒吧和餐馆的扎堆,激发了一个有趣的人口结构变化,导致这个一直以家庭为主的城区彻底转型。
不可错过:West Seattle Water Taxi(西西雅图水上的士),绝对是去西雅图最西边城区景色最优美的路线。

Bellevue Downtown Park (贝尔维尤市中心公园) 这片城市绿洲为人们在繁忙的都市生活里提供一个片刻喘息的空间

West Bellevue(西贝尔维尤)
从西雅图出发,跨过华盛顿湖,West Bellevue提供了太平洋西北地区最怡人的生活——尽管这种奢华来得并不便宜。在这里,房价在一年内上涨了30%。优秀的学区、郁郁葱葱的公园、种类繁多的餐馆以及宁静和谐的城郊氛围,都给家庭带来了巨大的吸引力,而通往繁华贝尔维尤市中心和西雅图的便利交通则是通勤者的福音。
不可错过:Bellevue Botanical Garden (贝尔维尤植物园);Bellevue Collection是该地区最好的购物区之一
房价中位数:$2,800,000;家庭年收入中位数: $108,051

位于Lake Sammamish湖附近的90号高速路沿线,这个人口36, 000多人的葱郁山谷是郊区自然爱好者的天堂。Issaquah周围环绕着号称 “Issaquah Alps”(Issaquah阿尔卑斯山脉)的三座山,这个缘起于一个伐木小镇的新兴城市,因其绝佳的环境、当地艺术和餐馆、出色的学区和清一色的”准豪宅” (McMansion) 而闻名。就职于亚马逊、微软、好市多或波音的千禧一代上班族的涌入更是促进了这一地区的郊区扩张。然而,相对低调的住房品味使他们很能接受目前蔚为趋势、较精简的”McModerns”宅型。
不可错过:徒步虎山 (Tiger Mountain) 的Poo Poo point步道,可以观赏到周围山谷和山脉的美景;Issaquah剧院
房价中位数:$784,600;家庭年收入中位数: $92,071

不可错过:在Juanita Beach公园到华盛顿湖里淌淌水
房价中位数:$784,600;家庭年收入中位数: $92,071

比尔.盖茨和杰夫.贝索斯等当地亿万富翁的宅邸就在富有的Medina城区,这里可谓是西雅图的贝弗利山庄,只是少了贝弗利山庄的购物街而已。这里连普通住房也以数百万美元的价格起步,而湖滨豪宅动则上千万美元 (不包括水上飞机和游艇哦)。对于大多数人而言,这样的价格通常是不可想象的,因此只有少数富豪(大约3,000人)方得以在这个贝尔维尤最富盛名的封闭社区里安居。
不可错过:来段励志之旅:乘船开过比尔盖茨 66,000平方英尺,价值高达1.24亿美元的湖滨庄园Xanadu 2.0。
房价中位数:$2,789,200;家庭年收入中位数: $182,604

不可错过:高居山上的地理优势使这一地区成为观看美国海军蓝色天使 (U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels) 在西雅图年度海洋节 (Seafair) 表演特技飞行的好地方。

Mount Baker(贝克山)
不可错过:在Mount Baker Rowing & Sailing Center(贝克山船务中心)学习划船、帆船、皮艇或帆板。

Block Watch

Georgetown (乔治城)
顶级飞行博物馆 (Museum of Flight) ,附近有工厂化身而成的酿酒区。

Ravenna (瑞维纳)

Wallingford (沃灵弗徳)

Edmonds (埃德蒙徳)

Madrona (马德罗纳)
Mt. Rainier(雷尼尔)山影下的湖畔生活。

Beacon Hill (灯塔山) 多

International District(国际城)

University District (大学城)

Fremont (弗里蒙特)

Columbia City(哥伦比亚市)

English Version

Explore our diverse neighborhoods like a local
Seattle is a city of neighborhoods, albeit one in the middle of a serious growth spurt. Much of the expansion is concentrated downtown, which is taller and more futuristic than ever before. But this urban renaissance has also spread further afield, infusing already-lively enclaves with even more flavor. Read on for our favorite districts for living, shopping, dining, strolling or simply exploring.
Pioneer Square
Awash in heritage architecture and local history, Pioneer Square is Seattle’s original neighborhood. Much of action has moved north to Belltown over the years, though pioneering restauranteurs and shopkeepers are trying hard to bring this history-laden ‘hood back to its glory days. Meanwhile, turn-of-the-century buildings have been converted into new apartments, art galleries and businesses, particularly around Occidental Park, basically the local equivalent of this neighborhood’s downtown.  
Don’t miss: The swanky Chinese lounge atop the Smith Tower, Seattle’s original skyscraper
Median home value: $681,900; Median Household Income: 82,597
Queen Anne
Named for a Victorian-era architectural style, Queen Anne is essentially two neighborhoods connected by a huge hill. Awash in trendy restaurants, bars and high-rise condos, Lower Queen Anne hosts The Space Needle, a 520-foot observation deck and sky-top restaurant, nearby the Seattle Center, Museum of Pop, and a vibrant theater and event scene. Upper Queen Anne offers an entirely different scene, with lavish homes, beautiful lookouts and a strikingly small-town residential vibe. Locals joke that singles live on Lower Queen Anne then scale the hill once married.
Don’t Miss: The Chihuly Garden and Glass, a whimsical menagerie created by one of the region’s most innovative artisans; Kerry Park, THE place to get the iconic postcard shot of Seattle
Median home value: $967,700; Median household income: $104,518
Downtown & Waterfront
Seattle’s shopping and commercial heart is a charming mélange of retail shops, soaring towers, hidden parks and stately government buildings anchored by the Pike Place Market. Opened in 1907, this iconic structure, and one of the country’s oldest continuously-operated farmer’s markets, has in turn seen new restaurants, outdoor stalls, and a viewing platform overlooking Elliott Bay. A long staircase leads down to the waterfront, which is lined with ferry docks, cruise ships, souvenir shops, and more restaurants conducive to a scenic waterfront stroll. Ongoing renovations will rebuild the seawall and incorporate new parks, bike paths, walkways to further connect this area to the new Pike Place Market expansion (that opened last summer) and the rest of downtown.
Don’t miss:  The historic Pike Place Market, home to one of the first Starbucks stores
Median home value: $773,900; Median household income: $70,330
Wedged on the northwest edge of downtown between the Pike Place Market, Fifth Avenue and the Space Needle, Belltown has long been one of Seattle’s most desirable neighborhoods. Recent years have seen the steady addition of luxury condos, which beckon residents with their luxury amenities and prime location within walking distance of the city’s best food, music, bars, cinemas, galleries and shopping.  Much of the magic happens along First Avenue, but Fourth and Fifth Avenues reveal The Palace Kitchen and Lola’s, both specialty restaurants in the shadow of Seattle’s monorail from Seattle’s most famous chef, Tom Douglas.
Don’t Miss: The Olympic Sculpture Park, 9 acres of alfresco art (and Downtown’s only beach) encompassing Belltown’s northern shore
Median home value: $443,400; Median household income: $84,419
South Lake Union
Working cranes have reshaped Seattle’s skyline in recent years and South Lake Union is central to the action. Not so long ago, this former logging district was eerily quiet, but that was before e-retailer Amazon moved in, reshaping this neglected neighborhood into a vertical jungle awash in gleaming office towers, luxury apartments and new bars and restaurants. Crowds thin out considerably once the tech workers head home, but this area still hosts many lakeside (and boat-up!) dining options, including Daniel’s Broiler and Duke’sand the MBar rooftop, overlooking the seaplanes coming and going on Lake Union.
Don’t miss: The Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) tells Seattle’ unique backstory through a series of multi-media, hands-on exhibitions; next door is the newly revamped Center of Wooden Boats
Median home value: $759,000; Median household income: $88,097
With its sweeping beaches, seafaring history and thriving bar, restaurants and music scene, Ballard has lots to love. This sprawling neighborhood was traditionally home to Seattle’s Scandinavian settlers, though much of that heritage has been consumed by newer apartments, townhouses and condos, in turn drawing a younger crowd. But the area’s strong schools and sense of community still appeals to families, particularly up around Blue Ridge, a residential enclave with stunning views of the Olympic Peninsula and Puget Sound.
Don’t Miss: Golden Gardens Park, The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks and the Sunday farmer’s market; the new Nordic Museum
Median home value: $659,700; Median household income: $88,479
Greenwood/Phinney Ridge
Nestled between Ballard and Greenlake, this fluid pair of northern neighborhoods is generally summed up by one catch-all moniker: PhinneyWood. Alas, rising rents have forced some businesses to close, but the current mix of high-rise apartments and houses remains more affordable than nearby Ballard. Regardless, this kid-friendly place maintains a strong sense of community with a colorful blend of cafés, yoga studios, bookstores and schools, lending an all-around appeal popular with singles and families.
Don’t Miss: The fantastic Woodland Park Zoo
Median home value: $680,200/870,800; Median household income: $81,641/$94,057
Capitol Hill
Just east of downtown across Interstate-5, Capitol Hill is a hub for Seattle’s LGBTQ community — and hosts some of Seattle’s best music, restaurants and bars.  The base of the hill is blanketed by apartments and condos, while residential pockets boast lavish multi-million-dollar homes. Nor is this diverse neighborhood’s charms just limited to nightlife; book-lovers gather at the Elliott Bay Bookstore, a Seattle favorite since 1973, and savor clear skies at the 48.3-acre Volunteer Park, which also hosts the Seattle Asian Art Museum.
Don’t Miss: The original Starbucks Reserve Roastery & Tasting Room
Median home value: $673,400; Median household income: $85,656
West Seattle
Even some locals don’t know Seattle’s founding father, Arthur Denny, first landed in West Seattle before finally moving to Pioneer Square. Today, Alki Beach remains the city’s premier leisure destination, flanked by million-dollar houses and condos overlooking these western shores with long wide sidewalks for biking and walking. Meanwhile, millennials gather in the Alaska and Admiral Junctions, where high-rise apartments and condos have inspired a corresponding wave of new shops, bars and restaurants, inspiring an interesting demographic shift that’s left this once family-oriented neighborhood utterly transformed.
Don’t Miss: The West Seattle Water Taxi, by far the most scenic way to reach Seattle’s western-most neighborhood
Median home value: $658,300; Median household income: $89,963
West Bellevue
Across Lake Washington from Seattle, West Bellevue offers the best of Pacific Northwest living — though this luxury won’t come cheap. Here property prices have risen 30 percent in a single year. Great schools, lush parks, diverse restaurants and a peaceful suburban setting offer significant appeal for families, while easy access to bustling downtown Bellevue and Seattle is a bonus for commuters.
Don’t Miss: The Bellevue Botanical Garden; the Bellevue Collection for some of the area’s best shopping
Median home value: $2,800,000; Median household income: $108,051
Bellevue isn’t the only Eastside community to see a growth spurt in recent years. Just north of Bellevue, neighboring Kirkland is experiencing a similar sense of revival, buoyed by a thriving economy and bevy of new housing. Great schools, small-town vibes and a sweet “downtown” on the shores of Lake Washington ups the ante for families, while proximity to Seattle (just 12 miles away over the I-90 or I-520 bridges), downtown Bellevue, Microsoft’s Redmond Campus and Woodinville wine country appeals to commuters and leisure travelers.
Don’t Miss: Dip your toes in Lake Washington at Juanita Beach Park
Median home value: $749,900; Median household income: $95,939

Further along I-90 near Lake Sammamish, this forested valley of 35,000 people is a suburban nature lover’s paradise. Hugged by a trio of mountains known as the “Issaquah Alps,” this former logging town is defined by its pristine setting, local arts and restaurants, great schools and ubiquitous housing, once known as McMansions. The influx of millennial employees working at Amazon, Microsoft, Costco or Boeing have only fostered this area’s suburban growth, though their relatively understated tastes have given way to the more streamlined “McModerns” currently in vogue.
Don’t Miss: Climb West Tiger Mountain to Poo Poo point, a moderate day hike that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valley and mountains; Issaquah Theater
Median home value: $784,600; Median household income: $92,071
Home to local billionaires including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, monied Medina is basically the Beverly Hills of Seattle, without the shopping street. Even basic homes here start in the low millions of dollars, while waterfront mansions could easily set you back $10 million. (Those float planes and yachts are extra). Such prices are usually unthinkable for most people, hence the small number of residents (about 3,000) who call Bellevue’s most prestigious gated community home.
Don’t Miss: Aspirational boating past Bill Gates’ 66,000-square-foot waterfront estate, Xanadu 2.0, which is valued at a cool $124 million.
Median home value: $2,789,200; Median household income: $182,604
Perched on a 1,000-foot hill due south of Bellevue, this diverse community offers suburban flavor with sweeping views of downtown Seattle and Bellevue. As the de facto hub of Bellevue’s Chinese community, this beautiful neighborhood offers more than just shaded boulevards and beautiful houses; residents also enjoy access to Bellevue’s superior school system and quick commutes to downtown Bellevue and Seattle, about 10 or 20 minutes, respectively, by car.
Don’t Miss: Soaring vistas makes this area a great place to watch the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels perform aerial acrobatics during Seattle’s annual Seafair parade
Median home value: $1,268,500; Median household income: $132,161
Mount Baker
Near I-90 on Lake Washington’s western shores, this leafy lakefront district remains one of Seattle’s best-kept secrets. A mix of townhouses, apartments and stately single-family homes cater to diverse budgets, though the best properties are located right on the waterfront with prime views of the neighborhood’s namesake mountain. The central location is a boon for commuters working in Bellevue, while convenient light rail access makes it easier than ever to move around town.
Don’t Miss: Learn how to row, sail, kayak and/or windsurf at Mount Baker Rowing & Sailing Center
Median home value: $975,400; Median household income: $89,194
Note: Median home value is from Zillow; median household income is from areavibes.com.

Block Watch
Other Great neighborhoods summed up in one sentence
Factories-turned-brewery district near the excellent Museum of Flight
Residential ‘hood awash in cozy pubs, parks and bookshops
Foodies, families and students unite in this charming uptown district
Seattle’s scenic northern suburb is alive with nature, arts and history
Lakeside living in the shadow of Mt. Rainier
Beacon Hill
Diverse southeastern district equipped with light rail station and budding F&B scene
The historical hub for Seattle’s Asian community offers a rainbow of foods and flavors
University District
Cheap eats abound in the eclectic neighborhood hugging the campus where Bruce Lee briefly studied in college
Seattle’s quirkiest zone is awash in chic shops, hot plates and a 16-foot statue of Vladimir Lenin
Columbia City
Seattle’s most up-and-coming neighborhood is the new place to be

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