Seattle Culture

New Skincare Company, 3B, Delivers Beauty by the Boxful

New Skincare Company, 3B, Delivers Beauty by the Boxful

A Seattle-based skin care company brings beauty breakthroughs to your door

Goodies from a 3B beauty box

Bellevue's University Bookstore to Close, but the East Side Keeps Its Edge

Bellevue’s University Bookstore to Close, but the East Side Keeps Its Edge

Bellevue is in many ways more “urban” than Seattle now—certainly, it’s racially more diverse, which is complete flip from the white-bread suburbs of the ‘60s and ‘70s

Berger supervising a photo shoot of Bill Gates and Brian “The Boz” Bosworth in 1988

Mazama Mountain Cabin Makes a Cozy, Stylish Retreat: A Home Tour

Mazama Mountain Cabin Makes a Cozy, Stylish Retreat: A Home Tour

In Washington’s North Cascades, a wood-paneled vacation home provides access to views and outdoor activities

This article originally appeared on This house nestled in the North Cascades mountains in Mazama, Washington, reflects the rugged landscape around it while also possessing a modern, airy and stylish vibe. The remote vacation house is owned by a Seattle couple who were instinctively drawn to the beautiful setting of pine forests, crystal clear…

GoCstudio’s Floating Sauna Sends Winter Blues Adrift

GoCstudio’s Floating Sauna Sends Winter Blues Adrift

GoCstudio’s floating sauna is a one-of-a-kind space for blowing off steam

Architect Jon Gentry climbs the custom aluminum ladder of the ‘wa_sauna’, goCstudio’s outdoor floating sauna, as Tony Kim back flips off the upper diving deck. Inside, Lydia Ramsey enjoys the heat of the sauna which makes that icy water feel sensational

These Organic Belgian Linens are Bedtime Bliss

These Organic Belgian Linens are Bedtime Bliss

We can’t stop thinking about these luxe organic linens

Rocco, the beloved pet of Phinney Ridge interior designer and store owner Renate Ruby, sits atop luxurious layers of Libeco Belgian linens in the Adorn boutique and showroom

Seattle Renters on Skyrocketing Housing Costs: "You May Love Seattle, But It May Not Love You"

Seattle Renters on Skyrocketing Housing Costs: “You May Love Seattle, But It May Not Love You”

Rents keep going up and up. What are stressed-out Seattleites doing about it?

May Nguyen and Jon Lee, who rent an apartment in Othello, are finding that wage increases aren’t keeping pace with rent increases

AIA Home of Distinction: A Mercer Island Residence of Heart and Soul

AIA Home of Distinction: A Mercer Island Residence of Heart and Soul

A Mercer Island home nurtures family ties

The Japanese Maple tree visible through the living room window of this Mercer Island home (alternate view below), was a gift to the owner when his father passed away. More than 20 years later it is a vibrant part of the landscape

Your Best Winter Accessory for the Kitchen

Your Best Winter Accessory for the Kitchen

Flowers and foliage will bring cheer to your kitchen even in the dead of winter

This article orginially appeared on After the festivities of the holiday season have passed, it’s common for a case of the blues to settle in, with a few months’ wait until spring arrives. If this syndrome calls at your home, combat it by treating yourself to a gift of flowers. And since so much…

Houzz Tour: Log Cabin on Puget Sound Has More Room to Spare

Houzz Tour: Log Cabin on Puget Sound Has More Room to Spare

This article originally appeared on This log cabin on Washington’s Camano Island, with stunning views of Utsalady Bay, was built in the 1940s and has been in the same family ever since. When the current owners (he’s the grandson of the original owner and builder) found themselves growing short on space, they called on…

Meet Greenery, Pantone’s 2017 Color of the Year

Meet Greenery, Pantone’s 2017 Color of the Year

Give your home a fresh start for the new year with this fun, nature-inspired hue

This article originally appeared on I’ve heard many folks grumble that 2016 has been a rough year. In addition to losing many iconic musical heroes, we are still emerging from an especially heated election season. As we turn our attention to the new year and, hopefully, look forward to a fresh start, the color-management…

Seattle Seawalls No Longer a Shore Thing

Seattle Seawalls No Longer a Shore Thing

Bulkheads and other forms of ‘armoring’ line 92 percent of Seattle’s marine shoreline. Removing these can help restore habitat for endangered species—but can also erode land. Not surprisingly, some homeowners are resisting

walled off Most of Seattle’s marine shoreline has some kind of armoring like this seawall in West Seattle. Armoring is sometimes necessary but can also degrade habitat for for bugs, birds and fish

Four Simple Ways to Give Back During the Holidays

Four Simple Ways to Give Back During the Holidays

Looking for ways to give back? There's still plenty you can do

No matter your schedule, resources or budget, there are Seattle organizations in need of your service.

A Win for NIMBYs and YIMBYs

A Win for NIMBYs and YIMBYs

A backyard cottage in Ballard

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