Food & Drink

The Perfect Mother's Day Gift: Custom-Crafted Silhouettes

The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift: Custom-Crafted Silhouettes

Local artist Kerry Cook shares the classic art of silhouettes

!–paging_filter–pDistinctive, striking—and, ahem, a perfect Mother’s Day gift—custom-crafted silhouettes are like snapshots from another era. While the heyday of the silhouette may have come and gone, it remains a popular way to capture a child at a certain age, thanks in part to practitioners such as Bellevue’s Kerry Cook (a href=”” target=”_blank”, who honed her…

Mossback Monday: Meet Sound Transit's 'Baby Bertha,' Amazon News and the Coming Coffee Apocalypse

Mossback Monday: Meet Sound Transit’s ‘Baby Bertha,’ Amazon News and the Coming Coffee Apocalypse

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Tomorrow's Tastemakers: Jonathan Proville of Il Corvo

Tomorrow’s Tastemakers: Jonathan Proville of Il Corvo

Welcome to Tomorrow’s Tastemakers, a recurring column that focuses on Seattle’s new guard of culinary influencers. Jonathan Proville, 31, is one of the rockstar cooks at Il Corvo. He was born in Los Angeles to French parents, who moved the family back to France when J.J. was 10. He went to college in Montreal for…

Diane von Furstenberg Opens First Northwest Store in Bellevue Square

Diane von Furstenberg Opens First Northwest Store in Bellevue Square

!–paging_filter–p2014 is a landmark year for renowned designer Diane von Furstenberg: Her iconic wrap dress turned 40, and on May 1, she opens her 95th store, in Bellevue Square near Center Court. “The Seattle area is so gorgeous,” says von Furstenberg. “Itnbsp;is blessed with the most beautiful nature and filled with so much creativity and…

Mark Your Calendar for Seattle Tilth's Edible Plants Sale

Mark Your Calendar for Seattle Tilth’s Edible Plants Sale

Seattle Tilth’s Edible Plant Sale takes place on May 3-4. Take your pick of tantalizing veggies, including heirloom varieties and an extensive selection of culinary herbs, edible flowers and drought-tolerant perennials. There’s also plenty of summer gardening plants, aka “warm season” crops, like tomatoes, peppers and squash. The Early Bird Sale Friday (5/2) 5-7 p.m.,…

The African American Film Festival, a Nate Silver Lecture and ‘Bethany’ Shines at ACT

The African American Film Festival, a Nate Silver Lecture and ‘Bethany’ Shines at ACT

!–paging_filter–pstrongMust Seeembra href=”” target=”_blank”Bethany /a/ema href=”” target=”_blank”On Stage at ACT/a/strongbr(Through 5/4, times vary) — A middle-class woman hits the financial skids after the economic downturn, forcing her to use whatever means necessary in order to get her daughter out of foster care—including squatting in a foreclosed house occupied by a possibly unhinged man. Laura Marks’…

Want to Survive a Tsunami? You'll Need One of These

Want to Survive a Tsunami? You’ll Need One of These

A local engineer invents a sphere that can survive a tsunami

!–paging_filter–pDeeply troubled by recent natural disasters in Japan and Indonesia, former Boeing engineer Julian Sharpe saw a need to reimagine tsunami survival. His solution? The Survival Capsule (a href=”” target=”_blank”, a brightly colored, buoyant sphere, 4.5 feet in diameter, designed to enclose and protect people in the event of tsunamis—such as the towering wall of…

How to Plan a Detailed Road Trip

How to Plan a Detailed Road Trip

Sebastian Simsch made me do it. Well, he didn’t really make me do anything but he definitely lured me onto the open road. While I was catching up with the Seattle Coffee Works owner at his then just-opened Ballard store a couple of years ago, he started telling me about a road trip he had…

Seattle International Film Festival Organization Turns 40

Seattle International Film Festival Organization Turns 40

At 40, our favorite film festival becomes farsighted, plus what to see at the fest

!–paging_filter–pOn a warm afternoon in mid-March, the sun is streaming through the tall windows of the a href=”http://\/\/“Seattle International Film Festival /aoffices. It’s the kind of miraculous spring day that locals would never consider rebuffing by heading into a movie theater to sit still in the dark. But for the last 40 years, SIFF has…

Early Jamie Joseph Mother's Day Trunk Show at Essenza

Early Jamie Joseph Mother’s Day Trunk Show at Essenza

!–paging_filter–pJoin the team at a href=”http://\/\/“Essenza /ain Fremont for their annual Mother’s Day a href=”” target=”_blank”Jamie Joseph/a extravaganza trunk show on Saturday, April 26 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m./ppIf you’re a fan of Jamie Joseph’s gorgeous hand-faceted and distinctive rings you really haven’t lived until you’ve seen hundreds of them sparkling back at you…

Why Women Should Get Excited for This New Dating App

Why Women Should Get Excited for This New Dating App

A new dating app puts women in the driver’s seat

!–paging_filter–pimg src=”/sites/default/files/newfiles/0514_sirenapp.jpg” style=”float: left; margin: 10px;” height=”232″ width=”350″Women who’ve tried online dating know the drill: spend hours crafting a profile that precisely reflects the individual you are (and the individual you’d like to meet), set it live and get instantly bombarded with requests from men using a scattershot approach (send enough emails and something’s bound…

Outdoor Music Festivals In and Around Seattle

Outdoor Music Festivals In and Around Seattle

From Sasquatch to Bumbershoot, make summer even sweeter with a wealth of outdoor music festivals

!–paging_filter–pThis was the year Sasquatch grew a bit too big for its britches. After adding a second full weekend of live shows to the wildly popular music fest at the Gorge Amphitheatre, event promoters had to cancel the bonus round due to weak sales. But never fear, the Northwest offers plenty of ways to get…

Mossback Monday: San Francisco's BART Trains Boast Seahawks Colors, Oso Lawsuits  More News

Mossback Monday: San Francisco’s BART Trains Boast Seahawks Colors, Oso Lawsuits More News

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