Food & Drink

7 Cooking Classes To Try in Seattle

7 Cooking Classes To Try in Seattle

Leave these local kitchens with skills you’ll keep for a lifetime

Cooking classes have long been the perfect way to learn something new, whether on a date night, with a big group or as a fun antidote to an empty weekend. Seattle has no shortage of classes taught by regional experts – read on for a list of some of the most distinctive options. But take…

Seattle's Chekhov-Only Theater Company Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Seattle’s Chekhov-Only Theater Company Is Just What the Doctor Ordered

In its rigorous approach to Chekhov, The Seagull Project applies the work of the famous Russian playwright and physician as a salve for modern times

PLAYWRIGHT PRACTITIONERS: Members of The Seagull Project include, from left: Sunam Ellis, Julie Briskman, Gavin Reub, Alexandra Tavares, John Langs, Sylvester Kamara and Peter Crook (title role, Uncle Vanya) This article appears in print in the February 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. There’s no easy prescription for moving forward in these divisive times, although the members of Seattle…

Celebrate Lunar New Year with This Local Beer Made from a 5,000-Year-Old Recipe

Celebrate Lunar New Year with This Local Beer Made from a 5,000-Year-Old Recipe

A Ballard brewery brings a 5,000-year-old Chinese beer recipe back to life

From left to right: Mijiaya historic Chinese beer, Buddha’s hand citron IPA and Lychee Sour

6 Stunning Jewelry Pieces to Wear Now 金点子:6款最惊艳珠宝

6 Stunning Jewelry Pieces to Wear Now 金点子:6款最惊艳珠宝

人们说太平洋西北区的前程光明灿烂。 以下这些亮闪闪的珠宝可以为此佐证。 They say the future is bright for the Pacific Northwest. Here is the bling to prove it.

今年,彰显个性的“宣言珠宝”大热,那么为何不戴上这款Turgeon Raine打造的黄金加钻石手镯来跟着风靡一把呢?416颗耀眼切钻镶嵌在18K黄金之间,回头率妥妥的。售价23,250美元。Turgeon Raine有售, downtown, 1407 5th Ave.; 206.447.9488,  这对18K玫瑰金枝形耳环由荣获CDFA(美国时尚设计师协会)奖的设计师Irene Neuwirth打造,既可搭配休闲装扮,亦可佩戴其出席隆重的晚宴;售价2,620美元。Marios有售,市中心,1513 6th Ave.; 206.223.1461; 如果有人善妒,她一定会时时牵念着这对由18K白金、80颗绝美切钻和令人叹为观止的蓝色托帕石打造而成的吊式耳环;售价5,825美元。Turgeon Raine有售,downtown, 1407 5th Ave.; 206.447.9488,  您是否还在寻觅隐藏的瑰宝?到过Holly Zhang Pearl Gallery后就不必再寻寻觅觅了;在这里可以找到来自全球、令人艳羡的珠宝,包括这对来自澳大利亚南海13.7毫米的珍珠耳环,与18K白金和钻石珠联璧合,闪耀非常;售价7,350美元。Holly Zhang Pearl Gallery有售, The Shops at the Bravern, 700 110th Avenue NE, Suite 250; 425.449.8332;  有时,简单却可致远,比如这款不对称钻石项链,由东向西缀有祖母绿切钻,光彩夺目;售价11万美元。Alvin Goldfarb Jeweler有售, Bellevue, 305 Bellevue Way NE; 425.454.9393;  这款优雅而实用的“Twenty~4”不锈钢腕表由Patek Philippe(百达翡丽)推出,镶嵌着钻石和镀金罗马数字,是适用所有场合的完美配饰;售价12,140美元。Turgeon Raine有售,downtown, 1407 5th…

The Luxe Fashion Accessories Every PNW Man Needs 风流名士:美国太平洋西北地区男装必备品

The Luxe Fashion Accessories Every PNW Man Needs 风流名士:美国太平洋西北地区男装必备品

这些令人垂涎的男装必备品,对时尚前卫的绅士们至关重要。These coveted menswear staples are essential for the fashion-forward gentleman.

住在太平洋西北地区,一双实用的靴子是衣柜必备,但这并不意味着和时尚冲突。来自加拿大维多利亚Viberg的Asphalt Horsebutt布洛克 (Brogue) 靴子,采用了隐藏式鞋带眼和圆蜡鞋带设计,是不错的选择;售价775美元。Division Road独家有售, Pioneer Square, 536 1st Ave.; 206.755.0215; 世界各地的手表爱好者一致认为百达翡丽代表了优质制表的精髓。该品牌的“万年历”系列采用了极简主义表盘和精致的白金外壳;售价47,900美元。Turgeon Raine有售,市中心,1407 5th Ave.; 206.447.9488, Hugo Boss 是精致裁剪和精益求精的代名词。这家德国时尚品牌的特点是线条摩登、设计简约;这款浅灰色皮包自然也不列外;售价1,995美元。Hugo Boss 有售,Bellevue Collection, 109 Bellevue Square Ste #109; 425.453.4845; 一对引人注目的袖扣,可为绅士们的灰色正装添加一抹亮色,如同出自伦敦的Tateossian的旋转火箭袖扣(售价295美元)和“地球仪”袖扣(售价465美元)。David Lawrence有售, Bellevue, The Shops at the Bravern, 700 110th Avenue NE; 425.688.1669; 如果您厌倦了标准的棕黑色鞋袜,Alden的这款Shell cordovan手工缝制礼服鞋,可能正是您在寻找的答案。随着时间的推移,令人趋之若鹜的皮革会根据您的脚形而塑形;而且经典的设计和稍微偏红的颜色也非常引人注目;售价799美元。Brick + Mortar有售,市中心,1210 4th Ave.; 206.588.2770; 90年代风尚席卷时尚界已有几季,想要展现那个年代中您最喜欢的时尚单品,现在就是最佳时间。如Fendi的此款压纹皮革腰包,绝对是忙碌生活的完美伴侣;售价1,290美元。The Shops…

These World-Renowned Seattle Hotspots Are Worth a Visit 举世瞩目:不可错过的西雅图世界级艺术机构

These World-Renowned Seattle Hotspots Are Worth a Visit 举世瞩目:不可错过的西雅图世界级艺术机构

卓越优秀的西雅图艺术机构获得当地人首肯、并且享誉全球 These Seattle arts institutions have earned not just local, but worldwide, recognition for excellence


'Last of the Boys' at Seattle Rep Probes the Vicious Cycle of War

‘Last of the Boys’ at Seattle Rep Probes the Vicious Cycle of War

With its restless and complex lead characters, 'Last of the Boys' reveals the personal toll of war

Kevin Anderson and Reginald André Jackson in Seattle Repertory Theatre’s production of ‘Last of the Boys’

This Barbecue Is Making Waves in Seattle

This Barbecue Is Making Waves in Seattle

A pivot by a Central District restaurant team introduces some of the best ribs in the city

TEXAS MEETS VIETNAM: The smoked pork spareribs are pure Texan bliss, but other dishes on the menu feature bold Asian flavors

'Rock of Ages' at 5th Avenue Theatre Hits a Timely, Local Note

‘Rock of Ages’ at 5th Avenue Theatre Hits a Timely, Local Note

With its cast of local rockers and a club on the line, 'Rock of Ages' hits home

WE’RE WITH THE BAND: From left: Rock of Ages local performers include Pickwick’s Galen Disston, Black Stax’s Felicia Loud, bassist Andy Stoller, and actors Nick DeSantis and Sara Porkalob

Cocktails, Coziness and a Collection of Cool Grains at Lucinda’s

Cocktails, Coziness and a Collection of Cool Grains at Lucinda’s

Edouardo Jordan's new spot is more than just a JuneBaby waiting room

Try the refreshing Calvados highball and other drinks alongside a grain-centric menu at Lucinda’s Grain Bar

Must List: Seattle International Dance Festival Winter Mini Fest, Winter Drams Spirits Festival, Masquerade XI

Must List: Seattle International Dance Festival Winter Mini Fest, Winter Drams Spirits Festival, Masquerade XI

Your weekly guide to Seattle's hottest events.

Love the Must List? Get it right in your inbox. Subscribe. MUST DANCE Seattle International Dance Festival Winter Mini Fest(1/25–1/26) Cyrus Khambatta and his Khambatta Dance Company have anchored this festival since its 2006 founding, and he’s invited three other choreographers this year to create dances for the company: Shura Baryshnikov (you’ll remember her famous dad),…

This Week Then: Remembering Civil Rights Leader Edwin Pratt

This Week Then: Remembering Civil Rights Leader Edwin Pratt

Plus: Looking back on the region's most powerful earthquake

This story was originally published at Subscribe to their weekly newsletter. A Life Cut Short Fifty years ago this week, on January 26, 1969, civil rights leader and Seattle Urban League Executive Director Edwin Pratt was killed by a shotgun blast outside his home in Shoreline. The assassin was never found. Pratt’s funeral at St. Mark’s…

Washington's Urban and Rural Communities Should Bridge the Partisan Divide

Washington’s Urban and Rural Communities Should Bridge the Partisan Divide

The state’s east-west political divide is changing, says Knute Berger, and there are many issues on which the two parties could find common ground

COMMON GROUND: Urban and rural areas aren’t voting as they used to; isn’t it time the two political parties work on issues that benefit both regions?

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