Love & Wisdom

Clarity - Confidence or Cash: a Paradox

Clarity – Confidence or Cash: a Paradox


Sensitive men are having their moment right now, which means it should be my time to shine. I see my therapist every other week. I talk about my feelings. I cried in public before it was ever considered a sign of strength. You want vulnerable? I’m so freaking vulnerable. I’m the kind of guy who…

Letter to Seattle: You must give to receive

Letter to Seattle: You must give to receive

St. Francis volunteer finds meaning in helping others

Letter to Seattle highlights good deeds and positive experiences in our region. This is a letter from volunteer Leigha Bone to St. Francis House, a Seattle nonprofit that helps clients who need clothing, toiletries, home goods, and more Dear St. Francis House, I am fortunate enough to have a loving family and close friends, but…

Heartbeat: Showing Up

Heartbeat: Showing Up

Be there for life’s biggest moments

It’s been an odd wedding season. Basically, a large number of weddings have been on hold because of Covid and now, anxious to finally make their commitment legal, weekend after weekend, couples are lined up with local and destination weddings. The destination weddings have me thinking. It started when I called dear friends from San…

Heartbeat: When Hearts and Heads Collide

Heartbeat: When Hearts and Heads Collide

Perhaps everyone has heard the saying that goes something like “to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results is the definition of crazy.” We all smile knowingly, perhaps even smugly. Of course, that’s true. But we shouldn’t be so smug because if that’s the definition of crazy, we are all…

Clarity - Exasperated and Exhausted

Clarity – Exasperated and Exhausted

Burnout is more complicated than you may think

I woke up in Florida on a Sunday morning with a hangover and a patch of angry red bumps on the small of my back. I also couldn’t find the Montreal Expos cap I had been wearing the night before. I had a Seattle Seahawks game to cover that afternoon in Tampa, multiple stories to…

Letter to Seattle: Little Things Matter

Letter to Seattle: Little Things Matter

A small gesture has big meaning for uplift Northwest client

Letter to Seattle highlights the good deeds and positive experiences in our region. This is a letter from Devin Pullium to Uplift Northwest, a Seattle nonprofit that provides job opportunities and job-preparation services to people experiencing poverty and homelessness. I’ve been with Uplift Northwest since 2016 as a day laborer. I love working with Uplift…

The Art of Weathering Winter: Insights from a Money Expert and a Sounders Legend

The Art of Weathering Winter: Insights from a Money Expert and a Sounders Legend

Tori Dunlap and Fredy Montero share the ordinary routines that help them get by

In the dead of winter, yearning for brighter days can feel like a metaphor for the general “grass is greener” syndrome I sometimes feel about life. As a freelancer and new parent, I’ll find myself thinking, “If only I can get our child to this age, or see this amount in our bank account, everything…

Heartbeat: Why Your Spouse Should Be More like a Dog

Heartbeat: Why Your Spouse Should Be More like a Dog

We could all learn loyalty, love and understanding

As many of you know, I am considered a relationship expert, and from time to time, I like to write a column about the discoveries that keep happening as I listen in and give feedback to couples and singles about love. But for this column, I want to talk about what I think may be…

Essay:  Blind Spot

Essay: Blind Spot

I'm white and he's Asian. Coupled, everywhere we went people assumed we weren't together

I could be at the supermarket with my husband, in line at a movie theater, or looking for furniture at Crate and Barrel, and people assume we aren’t a couple. Assume we’re strangers even. Salespeople, mechanics, hair stylists, real estate agents, and even our neighbors, at first, look confused. Until we stand close together or…

Letter to Seattle: Acts On Stage Opens Minds

Letter to Seattle: Acts On Stage Opens Minds

Acts on Stage challenges white Seattle

Image caption: Acts On Stage supporter Jess Bielman, left, with Leroy Barber, praises the nonprofit for opening his mind. Letter to Seattle highlights the good deeds and positive experiences in our region. This is a letter from Jess Bielman, a patron of Acts on Stage, a nonprofit, professional theater company in Seattle that emphasizes people…

The Art of Weathering Winter: What “Self-Care” Really Is (and Isn’t)

The Art of Weathering Winter: What “Self-Care” Really Is (and Isn’t)

How to cultivate more community, according to author Angela Garbes & State Representative Darya Farivar

The term “self-care” has become so overused that its meaning can be bent to almost any purpose. Is it indulging in a cocktail or abstaining from booze? Is it splurging on a skincare product or making peace with fine lines? Some have begun to use the term “community care” to refer to a commitment toward…

The Art of Weathering Winter: How a gardener and a gallerist embrace the Seattle gray

The Art of Weathering Winter: How a gardener and a gallerist embrace the Seattle gray

Walk a mile (or twelve) in the shoes of Ciscoe Morris and Tariqa Waters

By Annie Midori Atherton Trudging into midwinter, I sometimes find myself counting down the days to spring with the melodrama of a 19th-century sailor making scratches on the wall to mark how long I’ve been at sea. In an effort to enjoy the season more, I’ve been speaking with a diverse array of locals. What’s…

Sober: Why Dry January Means Something Different to Me

Sober: Why Dry January Means Something Different to Me

An alcoholic reflects on his journey

I was nearing the end of my screed against holier-than-thou practitioners of Dry January when I came to a startling realization: My brain was broken. This was somewhat alarming as you might imagine, but not totally unexpected. As with many crises, it happened slowly at first and then all at once. Years of arguing on…

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