Love & Wisdom

The Art of Weathering Winter: Foraging, Bathing, and Gold Dust

The Art of Weathering Winter: Foraging, Bathing, and Gold Dust

Two Seattle chefs on the soothing hobbies that get them through the winter

Though I’ve lived in Seattle nearly my entire life, the early winter sunsets, which fall like a set of blackout curtains over the world, never fail to feel like a curse. This year, though, I wanted to challenge myself to find a better way to get through it. Could it be an opportunity to surrender…

Letter To Seattle: Grown-Up for a Day

Letter To Seattle: Grown-Up for a Day

Junior Achievement taught me responsibility and how to plan for my future

Dear Junior Achievement of Washington, My name is Tigran, and I am a sixth grader.  Last year, when I was in fifth grade, I visited BizTown with my class, and I wanted to tell you how that field trip made a difference.  To prepare for the visit, my class and I spent time with our…

Heartbeat: Pay For What?

Heartbeat: Pay For What?

The invasion of the transactional body snatchers

Lest you think I am alerting you unnecessarily, let me reassure you that when I heard about this, I gasped.  GASPED! But perhaps you will gasp, too, unless, of course, you knew this all along. What I am referring to is a new culture in dating that looks an awful lot like it’s turning female daters into,…

Publisher's Note: The Very Best of Us

Publisher’s Note: The Very Best of Us

Helping make the world a better place

Don’t Give Up. With the Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade, the curbing of Environmental Protection Agency oversight of climate change and an extension of gun rights, things in our country have been looking a little discouraging lately. Rest assured, though, that there are heroes among us. Some historians believe that the default state…

Seattle’s Inclusionary Future

Seattle’s Inclusionary Future

What if everyone is important?

Editor’s note: Brenda Cooper is a Kirkland-based short-story writer, poet and futurist who has written 10 novels. Her most recent books are “Edge of Dark” and its sequel, “Spear of Light.” The former won the 2016 Endeavor Award for science fiction or fantasy by a Northwest author. In this column, Cooper discusses the importance of…

Heartbeat: Defrosting Seattle. It’s time to become more friendly.

Heartbeat: Defrosting Seattle. It’s time to become more friendly.

The Seattle Freeze versus the Nashville Warm

So, this column is not so much about the Seattle Freeze, but the Nashville Warm. And how I came to be frozen and how I hope to melt. When I first came to Seattle, I realized that I had to cool down. I grew up in Chicago and went to school in the Midwest and…

Heartbeat: How Corvin Saved My Marriage

Heartbeat: How Corvin Saved My Marriage

There are many ways to further your own happiness

Well, of course the headline is an overstatement, but really, this column is all about finding a way to cope with differences about things you love to do that are deeply satisfying to you but will not, or cannot, be shared with your partner. So how does Corvin fit in here? Corvin is this great…

Letter to Seattle: A Lasting Influence

Letter to Seattle: A Lasting Influence

‘I would like to pay homage to you all who have set such an extraordinary example’

Letter to Seattle is a new feature highlighting the good deeds and positive experiences in our region. This is a letter from a client at Pioneer Human Services, a Seattle nonprofit that provides treatment, housing, job skills training and employment to those recently incarcerated. Submissions welcomed at [email protected]. Dear Pioneer Human Services, I want to…

Seattle Nativity ‘believed in me’

Seattle Nativity ‘believed in me’

School shapes future for struggling student and family

Letter to Seattle is a new feature highlighting the good deeds and positive experiences in our region. This is a letter from Cristian Aguilar, a former student at Seattle Nativity School, a Catholic, Jesuit-endorsed middle school in south Seattle focused on a STEM curriculum. Dear Seattle Nativity School, Gratitude, intellectually competent, loving, religious, open to…

Heartbeat: The Marriage Malaise

Heartbeat: The Marriage Malaise

Marriage rates are as low as they’ve been in a century. Here’s why it matters.

Is marriage becoming a bridge too far? I’ve been thinking about marriage lately. Or non-marriage, as it turns out. The stats for the last couple of years show fewer people marrying than a decade ago, people marrying later, and that while married people are happier than unmarried people, surveys show they are not as happy…

Letter to Seattle: Inspiring Imagination

Letter to Seattle: Inspiring Imagination

Cornish helped budding artist embrace her creativity

Letter to Seattle is a new feature highlighting the good deeds and positive experiences in our region. This is a letter from Liz Tran, a former student at Cornish College of the Arts, a private art college in Seattle founded in 1914. Tran graduated in 2002 with a B.F.A. in painting and print art. Submissions…

Heartbeat: Let’s Talk. Or Not.

Heartbeat: Let’s Talk. Or Not.

Is conversation a lost art? The younger generation prefers texting over talking.

Welcome to my world! This is my first column (to be followed by others and podcasts). I spend a lot of time thinking about intimate relationships. If you’ve read any of my previous work as a professor at the University of Washington, or watched me on television, you know that I care about what keeps…

Sponsored | Understanding the Mental Health Crisis for Teens and Young Adults

Sponsored | Understanding the Mental Health Crisis for Teens and Young Adults

As the rate of teen depression rises across the country, Washington State is no exception.

As the rate of teen depression rises across the country, Washington State is no exception. In its 2019 survey assessing youth depression statistics, Mental Health America (MHA) found that 13 percent of youth ages 12–17 in Washington suffered from major depression during the past year. In addition, the report found that a vast majority of…

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