Food & Drink

12 Brunch Options to Indulge Mom on Mother's Day 2019

12 Brunch Options to Indulge Mom on Mother’s Day 2019

Wine and dine all the mama figures in your life--and don't forget to make reservations

Make sure Mom doesn’t have to cook on Mother’s Day.

Backstory: Inside The Showbox's Hidden Graffiti Room

Backstory: Inside The Showbox’s Hidden Graffiti Room

A secret room in The Showbox is a time capsule of the city’s rock history

This article appears in print in the May 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. The Landmark: The graffiti room in The Showbox The Location: Downtown, The Showbox, 1426 First Ave. The Backstory: The Showbox—Seattle’s legendary live-music venue where everyone from Duke Ellington to Mudhoney has performed—has been well known to Seattleites since it opened in 1939. But a significantly smaller crowd…

5 Things You Need to Eat and Drink in May 2019

5 Things You Need to Eat and Drink in May 2019

From CBD ginger beer to Filipino breakfast plates, here are all the best bites of the month

Cookie butter ice cream… a brilliant idea.

This Week Then: Checking in With Washington's Historic Hotels

This Week Then: Checking in With Washington’s Historic Hotels

Plus: A look at Seattle's protest history

This story was originally published at Subscribe to their weekly newsletter. Checking In May is Historic Preservation Month, and this week HistoryLink looks at two of Washington’s grand hotels that have been lovingly restored and preserved for use by future generations. The first is Spokane’s Davenport Hotel, which was designed by prominent architect Kirtland Cutter. Thousands…

Must List: 'Carmen,' Crosscut Festival, Translations Seattle Transgender Film Festival

Must List: ‘Carmen,’ Crosscut Festival, Translations Seattle Transgender Film Festival

Your weekly guide to Seattle's hottest events

Love the Must List? Get it right in your inbox. Subscribe. MUST SING Seattle Opera’s Carmen(5/4–5/19) It’s on the long side (three and a half hours), but otherwise Bizet’s earthy melodrama is the ideal opera for the novice. No matter how inexperienced you are, you probably already know at least three of the tunes, and the push-pull…

Amazon Studios: Inside the Tech Giant's Employee Art Programs

Amazon Studios: Inside the Tech Giant’s Employee Art Programs

Is life at Amazon really all work and no play? You might be surprised to learn its employees are stepping away from their computer screens to make pickles, pottery and music

AMAZON STUDIO: Members of Amazon’s creative program, Expressions, from left: program manager Tim Detweiler, Paint and Meditate instructor Jennifer Tucker and program coordinator Joseph Steininger, pictured in the Expressions lab

Amazon's Symphony Orchestra: It's a Corporate Gig

Amazon’s Symphony Orchestra: It’s a Corporate Gig

The volunteer group of the corporation's employees started two years ago and plays concerts throughout the year

PLAY TIME: The Amazon Symphony Orchestra performing at its holiday concert in December 2018

Local Corporations Build a Sense of Community With Employees

Local Corporations Build a Sense of Community With Employees

This month's Editor's Note from Rachel Hart

This article appears in print in the May 2019 issue. Click here to subscribe. About 16 years ago I was planning a baby shower for my dear friend Erica, and we thought it would be fun to have a tarot card reader at the party. This was years before tarot card readers were at all the parties, so…

“包”罗万象 Pack Your Bags

“包”罗万象 Pack Your Bags

当我们要适应从办公室到夜生活、以及期间各种场合的生活方式时,一个最新款的手包就会发挥绝妙的作用。In adapting to a way of life that may take us from the office to a night out, and everywhere in between, carrying the latest handbag can make all the difference.

西雅图本土设计师Joy Egbejimba创立了奢华手包品牌Nuciano,打造让人脑洞大开而又精致讲究的设计。她闪亮的手包经常被好莱坞的精英们随身携带,包括这款采用多色水晶和24K金银搭配的“Peacock (孔雀)手包”;售价520美元。Nuciao网站有售, Saint Laurent(圣罗兰)的“Sunset”链带包,采用该品牌标志性的YSL缠绕Logo和小牛皮,是城市夜生活的完美搭配;售价1,650美元。Neiman Marcus有售, The Shops at The Bravern, Bellevue, 11111 NE 8th St.; 425.452.3300; 本土设计师Kacy Yom色彩前卫的手包的灵感源于其韩国血统。意大利制造、手工创作的包包当然会营造出不凡的效果,譬如这款口红色的“Eun-Bi”手包;售价950美元。西雅图四季酒店The Spa有售,市中心,99 Union Street; 206.749.7000;  有时只需要一点金属感,就可助您闪亮登场。由Acne Studios设计的“Musubi Knot”银色皮革手包,受日本传统和服腰带的启发,采用了柔软的小牛皮和结带细节设计,从白天到晚上都可以轻松搭配;售价1,000美元。nordstrom.com有售 背上Prada(普拉达)的“Sidonie”单肩包,展示自己时尚前卫的风格,它的设计包含了丰富的同色系蓝色和时尚的现代曲线;售价3,100美元。Nordstrom有售, The Bellevue Collection, 100 Bellevue Square; 425.455.5800; 来自范思哲的“美杜莎锁头”单肩包采用意大利柔软皮革和金色金属配件,其迷人的细节和精湛的工艺不负所期;售价1,995美元。David Lawrence有售,Bellevue, The Shops at the Bravern, 700 110th Avenue NE, #275; 425.688.1669; 如果您一直想尝试撞色,却不知从何入手,Yuzefi的 “Delia”水桶包是不错的选择;售价675美元。市中心Nordstrom有售, 400 Pine…

Glam up Your Outfit With These Local and Luxe Pieces 华丽小分队:国际大牌和西雅图本土设计奢华服饰争相斗艳、闪亮登场

Glam up Your Outfit With These Local and Luxe Pieces 华丽小分队:国际大牌和西雅图本土设计奢华服饰争相斗艳、闪亮登场

虽然我们这座可爱的城市中流行防水透气 (Gore-tex) 的衣服和休闲舒适 (hygge) 类型的鞋子,但事实总非如此。这些奢美的作品证明,迷人之魅惑在太平洋西北地区也占一席之地。Our fair city is known for gortex and hygge-forward footwear, but this isn’t always the case. These luxe pieces prove that glamour is alive and well in the PNW.

选择一双精致的凉鞋来宠爱自己一回。这款来自Christian Louboutin的“Sandale Du Desert Flower Power”高跟凉鞋,既能在办公室里引起骚动,也能在筹款晚会上让人发出“哇赛”的惊叹;售价895美元。Neiman Marcus有售, Bellevue, 11111 NE 8th St.; 425.452.3300;  Totokaelo无可挑剔的精选货架,是太平洋西北地区所有时尚爱好者的必去之处。在它高端时尚货区架里就有这款巴黎世家Balenciaga的黑白双排扣夹克(裤子单卖),融合了现代运动装美学和无可挑剔的剪裁;售价2,650美元。Totokaelo有售, Capitol Hill, 1523 10th Ave.; 844.868.6523;  我们城市的天气变幻无常,一件上佳的外套是全年必备。Peserico的全棉外套,中长款剪裁,深腮红色,适合春秋两季;售价561美元。Butch Blum有售,市中心, 1332 6th Ave.; 206.622.5760;   Maison Margiela的“Tabi”靴子面世距今已有30多年了,但其标志性的身影有望在今年回归。这季新款的灵感来自日本的jika-tabi忍者分趾工作靴,采用金色金属色皮革制成,适合晚装造型;售价995美元。Totokaelo有售,Capitol Hill, 1523 10th Ave.; 844.868.6523;  近20年来,来自世界各地的女士们纷纷涌向Luly Yang在市中心的展厅,沉迷在她奢美华丽、精雕细琢的作品之中。您可以选择这位著名设计师来量身定做一件原创作品、或特别订购她的高度概念化的系列设计,如这件采用绉纱和绉背缎拼接而成的“Apollo”礼服;售价4,200美元。Luly Yang有售,市中心,1218 4th Ave; 206.623.8200;  在Nordstrom备受赞誉的设计师鞋专区选择一双高跟鞋,展现你内心里的Carrie Bradshaw (《欲望城市》里的凯莉)。来自Manolo Blahnik闪闪发光的“Leona”裸粉色露跟鞋, 可轻松搭配牛仔类服饰、或让您的晚装look更上一层楼;售价1,155美元。Nordstrom有售,The Bellevue Collection, 100 Bellevue Square; 425.455.5800; Glam Squad Do yourself a…

Skål Brings Meat, Mead and More to Ballard

Skål Brings Meat, Mead and More to Ballard

The Nordic bar (with lots of aquavit) has finally opened

Skål’s mead, drinks, meats and mustards are varied and worth savoring.

The Best Cinnamon Rolls in Seattle

The Best Cinnamon Rolls in Seattle

These local spots make the very best sugary, spiced cinnamon rolls

The $9.50 roll from Beardslee public house

KUOW's New Podcast Investigates the "Amazon Effect"

KUOW’s New Podcast Investigates the “Amazon Effect”

A local audio show explores Amazonia

SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: Producers Carolyn Adolph and Joshua McNichols outside of the Amazon Spheres

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